Art Basel Miami 2010: Mural in Progress

Dustin Spagnola will be painting a mural in Miami, FL for this years Miami art basel along with several other prominent Asheville Area artists. If you would like to be added to our list of endorsements, or if you would like to donate to this project, please click on the donate button below. We really need all the help we can get. And we are still looking for more wall space to paint in the Wynwood District of Miami. If you know any property owners who are interested in having a mural for Art Basel Miami 2010, please let us know.

Leaving for miami nov 26th. painting from nov 27th to dec 1st.
art basel miami opens dec 2nd and runs through the 5th.

ISHMAEL (2012),
Ian Wilkinson (Asheville Mural Project)
Guillermo Ruballo (miami)
Dustin Spagnola (thats me)

Endorsements and Affiliations:
MOOG music
AMP (Asheville Mural Project)
Satellite Gallery (Asheville, NC)
Gallery Privee (Miami, FL)
Eye Level Art (Charleston,SC)
Art Whino (DC)
Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
Ashvegas blog
Asheville Citizen Times
Izzy's Coffee Den (Asheville, NC)
474 Haywood (Asheville,NC)
MPC (old graf crew, NY)
Arts 2 People (Asheville, NC)
Desoto Lounge (Asheville, NC)
Southern Bar (Asheville, NC)

and heres some links you should check out.



PRIMARY FLIGHT This is the group that puts all the mural stuff together.

WOOSTER COLLECTIVE these people cover international street art with a blog.

PULSE this is a satellite fair of art basel miami

AQUA this is a satellite fair of art basel miami

JUXTAPOSE one of my favorite contemporary art magazines.