Woman with Flowers (there is no life without death)
Woman with Flowers Aerosol on wall wynwood Miami FL 2021

Cam with Flowers
Cam with Flowers Memphis TN 2021

Witchy Vibes
Witchy Vibes Kansas City MO SpraySeeMo 2021

Two Brothers
Two Brothers mural in virgins beach bar for stand up for kids Hampton road

Paulo, Scared

Spagnola! Zombie for Burners and BBQ 2016

figure study

bushwick collective
with patch whisky and ghostbeard.
thanks to bishop for the photo.

dogs playing poker.
dogs playing poker. go figure.

memphis dancer spagnola
memphis tn public art, street art, graffiti jam on a retaining wall. lots of fun. painted during a heat wave.
went with patch whisky, ishmael, and ian wilkinson.

memphis dancer spagnola detail
detail shot of the memphis tn wall, next to patch whisky. lots os spray paint montana gold and mtn 94 on this one. drips.

cyclist commission in the river arts district
jon sarver commissioned this mural. aerosol and acrylic on brick.

Captain Pabst
Captain Frederick Pabst, painted for PBR at Broadways in Downtown Asheville, NC. Acrylic and aerosol on concrete.
maybe 12 or 15' square.

interior commission

interior commission

nashville dancer spagnola

nashville dancer spagnola detail

interior commission
interior mural commission for a bar in asheville north carolina called "the national"
its a landscape or a riverscape.
mixed media.
fire extinguisher, roller, brush, and aerosol.

Train on Haywood Road in West Asheville
Train on Haywood Road in West Asheville. Thanks Matt!
right up the road from the wedge, the burger bar, and from new belgium brewery.

NW 21st and 1st. Miami FL 2013
Who Do They Think They Are Fooling, You?

virgin mary in detroit. painted after sassoferrato. next to ishmael. part of grand river creative corridor. not my favorite work, but at least i drove to detroit and painted a mural instead of sitting home and watching netflix.

New York- 5 Pointz
Nine artists are suing Jerry Wolkoff, the owner of the 5Pointz site in Long Island City, Queens, for destroying their murals when his company G&M Realty had the building whitewashed in November 2013.
In a complaint filed earlier this month in federal court in Brooklyn and obtained by Hyperallergic, the artists — Maria Castillo (TOOFLY), James Cochran (Jimmy C), Luis Gomez (Ishmael), Bienbenido Guerra (FCEE), Richard Miller (Patch Whiskey), Kai Niederhausen (Semor), Carlo Nieva, Rodney Rodriguez (PANIC), and Kenji Takabayashi — claim that “without giving [the artists] a fair opportunity to remove and preserve their work, or even the minimum notice required by law, [Wolkoff and his company G&M Realty] suddenly decided to destroy it under cover of night, even though at the time of the destruction they were far from ready to demolish the buildings in question. The destruction was gratuitous, willful, and wanton, and undertaken without regard to the feelings, reputations, or financial interests of the plaintiffs, who now seek compensation for their devastating losses.” The artists claim their works were protected under the Visual Artists Rights Act and are seeking unspecified damages and payment of their legal fees. They are being represented by Eric Baum of Eisenberg & Baum.
“The artists were very upset and disturbed by the whitewashing of their work,” Baum told Hyperallergic. “They would have preferred for the building to have been preserved, for their artwork to have been preserved, for them to have received notice before the artwork was destroyed …. This is a case about damages, but it’s also something that the artists feel strongly about, they want to send a message that this type of art needs to be protected.”

Jacksonville, Cork Studios

Miami, Wynwood

Nepal, Kathmandu, Trinity College

the misfits
mural painted at the prospect in the south slope of asheville on the wall of the brewery next door. beautiful north carolina. The Misfits is a 1961 American drama film written by Arthur Miller, directed by John Huston, and starring Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift. definitely had a lot of help on this one. thanks molly rose freeman.

swimming polar bear in nyc with en masse
swimming polar bear in nyc painted with en masse and patch whisky.
patch is from charleston south carolina. en masse is from quebec canada. my friend ripley whiteside turned me on to them and then i met them in miami during one of the artbasel events.
super cool artists and good people.

snow leopard mural in nepal
snow leopard mural in nepal
mixed media
latex and aerosol
painted during color kathmandu

crazy horse
crazy horse on lexington in asheville NC
no, its not frank zappa, thats zapata. the mexican revolutionary who the zapatistas took the name from. painted in asheville north carolina in the back of the desoto lounge.

follow your heart in atlanta GA
follow your heart in atlanta GA
painted while attending a "living Walls" event that i volunteered at to Help my friend molly rose freeman. Matt "Letrs" invited me to paint with him while i parked my van at the ware house he was running.
south west atlanta. maybe mechanicsville

frida with ishmael and molly rose freeman
mural in miami, painted during art basel
with ishmael, molly rose freeman, court mccracken, avery, scott, and luke.
mixed media on metal
aerosol, latex, acrylic, graphite, pounce patterns and stencils.